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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The House of the Scorpion - Plot

Matteo (Matt) Alacran is a clone of El Patron, lord of a strip of land called Opium. He is dislikes by almost everyone living on the estate, which is made up of El Patron's family. El Patron, Celia and Maria are the only ones who cares for Matt at first. Eventually he becomes friends with a girl named Maria. After growing up with Celia in a cabin far from the main estate. One day he is discovered by two children, Steven and Emilia. When he jumps out the broken window to get to them he falls on some glass and cuts his foot. The children carried him to the estate to help him. Rosa a mean maid cares for him at first but when she found out he was a clone she makes him live in saw dust and chicken liter for months. When El Patron found out, Matt was released and was better taken care of. As he grew up, he was known as “the clone” among almost everyone on the estate, but he was assigned a bodyguard named Tam Lin who was very good to him and helped him survive the horrible life he had. But when El Patron needed a heart transplant from Matt, he ran away.

In Matt's travels, he had to live with a group of boys under the command of the Keepers. This was because he was on his way to see Maria at her convent and to get a plane there, he was told he just had to live and work with these people for awhile. Matt was lied to and had to do physical work for months. When he tried to run away with a friends they were found and were pushed into the bone yard, which were almost impossible to get out of./ When they did come out, they were terribly bruised and still had infections from some of the work they had to do earlier.

When Matt got out he found out that Opium was under lock down and only a few people remained alive, El Patron wanted to live forever or everyone else to die with him. With El Patron dead the estate is left to Matt as he sets out to shut it down from within, and wake up all the eejits.

  1. What does Celia tell Matt about the children at the Big House?
  2. How does Matt get injured at the beginning of the book?
  3. How does Rosa treat Matt once the doctor leaves?
  4. What does Felicia and Tom do to get Matt to meet with Maria after the birthday party?
  5. What do Matt, Maria, and Tom see at the hospital and how does it act?
  6. Why is Matt so sure that El Patron will never use him for spare parts like other clones are?
  7. Where does Tam Lin take Matt when they go for a picnic?
  8. Who killed Maria's dog (furball), and how?
  9. What does Matt find at the oasis when he goes alone?
  10. What did Tam Lin do to get brought to stay with El Patron?


  1. 2. Matt saw potential friend outside and wanted to play, so he smashed a window and jumped outside and as he landed he fell on broken pieces of glass that cut deep into his leg.

    6. Matt is sure that El Patron will never use him for spare parts because he now trusts Tam Lin, his body guard, also Matt feels safe and content near El Patron.

    7. Tam Lin takes Matt to an oasis, the area is reached by crawling through a tight hole and contains a beautiful water body and animals, this place is kept a secret from the people in the big house.

  2. 1.Celia told Matt that the kids in the big house were all spoiled ungrateful brats.
    3. Rosa treats Matt like a animal. She put saw dust in his cell.
    8.Felicia killed furball with laudanum.
    10. Tam Lin do to get brought to stay with ElPatron by setting a bomb outside of the prime minister's house in London killed 20 kids.

  3. Jeremy Nadon
    4. Felicia shows up the next morning out of nowhere, surprising Matt, who was studying.She tries to be nice to Matt. She tells him that Maria wants to see him and that she's at the hospital. But Maria thinks Matt asked her to come.

    5.At first it sounds like a cat being tortured, but when Tom opens the door, the three of them see a clone who is pale and tied down and screeching.We learn that the clone is Mr. MacGregor's.
    Though horrified, Matt can't help but notice that the clone looks a lot like Tom, who gets mad when Matt points this out.

    9. when Matt goes to the oasis alone he finds some packages and a note from Tam Lin. There's a trunk with supplies like food and a knife and first aid, plus some books.
